*knock knock*

Hello? Burnout here…

Be honest - do things feel out of your control?

You started your business with a deep passion, and now you’re stuck in the weeds doing stuff you hate.

I know this feeling deep, deep, to my core. Let’s go back to 2015…

(swirly time travel magic)

automations for small business, Hey Rachael Dubsado Honeybook Support Online business operations, systems for business, business automation, small business organization

I just started my first business, and to say I was overwhelmed is an UNDERSTATEMENT.

My partner and I founded our online real estate business, and I was completely DROWNING in admin work. I was trying to keep up with all the things (gestures hands wildly), and figure out how to scale…on TOP of still balancing a day job.

My mindset was busy = productive. And this is where I got stuck…⁣⁣

Yes, I was constantly moving and going, but I wasn’t actually working on things that moved the needle.

I was stuck working IN the biz on all these admin tasks and wasn't really able to breathe. There was zero time to even think about working ON the business to grow or try something new.

And I learned REAL QUICK, that this lifestyle and work mindset was not sustainable.

I was totally burnt out.

Maybe you’ve experienced this feeling before?

Maybe you’re experiencing it right now

After my 100th emotional breakdown feeling so overwhelmed, I decided enough was enough! There had to be a better way...

  • We immediately invested in some project management tools.

  • I started to delegate and outsource more.

  • And I spent countless hours refining, tweaking, and creating a system to organize and streamline things that actually works.

And I have helped not only my own businesses with these strategies, but also countless clients too! Things like...

  • Automating behind the scenes so they aren't doing *everything* manually by themselves.

  • Organizing and streamlining their systems to work smarter (not harder).

  • Hiring support + learning to delegate more.

  • Spending more time ON their business, thinking about the bigger picture, and growing their impact + income. 

The average business owner spends 250 hours* a year on work that could actually be automated.

I'm here to change that.

*250 hours a year, based on spending an average of 1 hour per day IN the business, working on admin tasks.

Wanna read more about this? Don’t worry, I did the math for you - Read about our philosophy below.

Our Philosophy


As business owners we can frequently state that something “doesn’t take too long” - But what is your time worth? 

Let’s say you fill your day with 30 minute tasks…

30 minutes a day, 5 days a week = 2.5 hours a week

52 weeks per year = 130 hours every year 🤯

It adds up pretty quickly when you're not paying attention, doesn't it? 

How could you spend your extra 130 hours this year by automating tasks and taming the chaos?

You didn’t create your business to push papers and stress out. Let’s figure this out, together.


Our Values


Hey Rachael is a safe space of inclusivity for all. That means no matter your race, color, religion, gender identity and expression, or who you love- you are welcome here 🫶🏻

  • Organization is my porn

  • There’s no such thing as “too much” guacamole

  • Houseplants + animal friends bring me all the joy

  • I have my BA in Fine Art Professional Photography

  • I cry at everything. Movie, bad day, puppies…cue the waterworks.

fun facts: